
Mister Cute

Sunday, December 26, 2010


At the close of Christmas Day, after our good company had gone home, Winston collapsed on his pillow. It had been a happy, active day, and a day without a nap. Being gracious host, head of the entertainment committee and center of attention is hard work.

It began with Winston’s first Christmas presents ever. Santa brought him a tug toy skunk (no stuffing!), and a virtually indestructible fabric boomerang. His little brown eyes sparked joy and surprise after opening his packages. “For me?!” While Peggy and I opened our presents he went to work shredding the skunk. The nasty squeakers were the first to go.

While I was making turkey dinner, Winston had a very serious assignment. His job was to keep the floor under my feet free of food droppings on which I might slip. Except for an occasional break to show off one of his new toys and have me toss it for him, he took this very seriously. The floor was kept sparkling clean and I didn’t slip once.

Winston gave our company, Cathy and Bill, Judy and Chris, a good barking when they arrived, then settled down to be a gracious host. “See my new toys. This is a skunk. You want to throw it for me.” Then he provided after dinner entertainment by jumping on my lap at the table. “Hello, everybody! Wasn’t that a great dinner? Say, is that leftover turkey?”

As our guests were saying their goodbyes, he bid them farewell by having me hold him on his back with his belly up and his long legs in the air, and he gazed at everyone in his upside down way. “Is anything cuter than me? Did you see my new toys? You’re not leaving yet, are you? Hey, where’s the turkey.”

Happy Holidays from Winston.