On this Sunday, October 3rd, at the Center for Spiritual Living, Rev. Kathianne Lewis gave a blessing for the animals. She started off with a quote from Chief Seattle, which I think sets a wonderful tone for this blog, “If all the beasts were gone, men would die from a great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to the man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth.”
During the service, Winston was waiting patiently in the van. He, of course, got the full force of the blessing.
Sunday was close to the feast day of St. Frances of Assisi, who wrote the Canticle of the Creatures, an ode to God’s living things, “All praise to you, O Lord, for all these brother and sister creatures.”
Peggy is a founding member of the Spirit of the Sound Choir, under the direction of the brilliant Eric O’Del, where she sings tenor. That evening the choir gave its third performance of the day at Amazing Grace Spiritual Center. Winston and I were there of course. (Winston elected to stay with the car.)
Eric O’Del is also Spiritual Director at Amazing Grace, and during his inspirational talk, he talked about animals, too. Well, one animal in particular, the dog Faith. Dog Faith was born with deformed front legs, and with great care and tenderness, her masters taught to walk through life on her hind legs. Her YouTube video is worth a watch.
A very photogenic "playpup"!